Category: dimplemonkey

Just changed the theme…

This blog has become my red-headed stepchild for obvious reasons. 😉

There are plenty of other places you can “find” me online. I’m most prevalent on Twitter where I enjoy a good rant when the occasion calls for one. Check me out at

For some reason, I’ve been observing the increased amount of snarkiness on the twitterverse. It’s appealing when used tactfully. The “rant” and the “snark” are definitely kissing cousins.

You can also locate me through Tumblr. I’m having a one sided relationship with these guys. After logging in, I decide to go run a marathon, twice, then come back and just catch the Dashboard screen come up.

OK, enough for now since I’ve taken all day to get this entry posted.

Facebook Borg“Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours.”

– The Facebook….errr…. I mean The Borg

I see another round of changes have come about Facebook. They’re right, resistance is futile.

I think it is so hilarious that after I express my desire for a WordPress app for the iPhone, it just shows up the next day! Now the circle is complete and I will be free to blog with photos from my iMistress (as my wife likes to call it). Yes, we shall march forward!! SPARTA!!!!!!!!!

Slowly, my dreams of being able to publish on the road are coming to fruition. I’ve just discovered that WordPress has improved their mobile interface and it’s iPhone friendly…er. It’s got more ground to cover but at least I’m getting closer to being able to blog on the spot. By the way, WordPress, get a native app pushed through Apple’s App Store, pronto! And take advantage of the geographic tagging of photos as well as location awareness! Hopefully more to come than ever before! Woo Hoo!